IMG 5454

IMG 5454

Window 010 - Saint Apollinaris, Celestial Hierarchy, Grisaille (14th century) (restored).
Two rows of grisaille were inserted in 1328, replacing older glass. Its purpose was to honor the saints whose altar had been installed before it.

• Row 01: Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in left of row 2; Inscription recording Canon Theirry's donation; Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in panel 06 right of row 2.
• Row 02: Saints Quiricus (Cyr) and his mother, St Julitte, St Maur, St Radigonde; Canon Guillaume Theirry kneeling before the Virgin and Child; St Sulpice, St Mathurin de Laurchant, St Lifart slaying the dragon.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #14th century #Canon Guillame Theirry #Canon Theirry #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Saint Cyr (Quiricus) #Saint Julitte #Saint Lifart #Saint Mathurin de Laucchant #Saint Maur #Saint Radigonde #Saint Sulpice #TCS-photo #Win010 #cathedral #grisailles #restored #stained glass

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 051

ChartresGlass Box M Slides 051

Window 010 - Saint Apollinaris, Celestial Hierarchy, Grisaille (14th century) (unrestored).
Two rows of grisaille were inserted in 1328, replacing older glass. Its purpose was to honor the saints whose altar had been installed before it.

• Row 01: Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in left of row 2; Inscription recording Canon Theirry's donation; Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in panel 06 right of row 2.
• Row 02: Saints Quiricus (Cyr) and his mother, St Julitte, St Maur, St Radigonde; Canon Guillaume Theirry kneeling before the Virgin and Child; St Sulpice, St Mathurin de Laurchant, St Lifart slaying the dragon.


• Row 03: Saint Apollinaris heals blind child (son of judge Thaurus?); Meets tribune of Ravenna; Heals tribune's wife.
• Row 04: Baptises tribune and his household; Goes into exile; heals woman possessed with evil spirit.
• Row 05: Apollinaris enters home of Rufus Patricius, Duke of Ravenna; Raises Rufus' daughter from the dead; Provost demands Apollinaris sacrifice to idols.
• Row 06: Angel visits the saint in prison; temple of Jupiter/Zeus collapses due to saints' prayer; Provost and others watch temple's destruction.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #14th century #Canon Guillame Theirry #Canon Theirry #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Saint Apollinaris #Saint Cyr (Quiricus) #Saint Julitte #Saint Lifart #Saint Mathurin de Laucchant #Saint Maur #Saint Radigonde #Saint Sulpice #TCS-photo #Win010 #cathedral #date estimate #grisailles #idols #martyrs #miracles #restored #stained glass



duplicate (zfQg1yoTQbqD6v03VnvOpg)

Window 010 - Saint Apollinaris, Celestial Hierarchy, Grisaille (14th century) (restored).


• Row 03: Saint Apollinaris heals blind child (son of judge Thaurus?); Meets tribune of Ravenna; Heals tribune's wife.
• Row 04: Baptises tribune and his household; Goes into exile; heals woman possessed with evil spirit.
• Row 05: Apollinaris enters home of Rufus Patricius, Duke of Ravenna; Raises Rufus' daughter from the dead; Provost demands Apollinaris sacrifice to idols.
• Row 06: Angel visits the saint in prison; temple of Jupiter/Zeus collapses due to saints' prayer; Provost and others watch temple's destruction.
• Row 07: Outraged at the temple's loss, pagans beat Apollinaris to death; saint's funeral; Christians of Ravenna mourn his passing.

Celestial hierarchy (lowest to highest):

• Row 08: Angels (I); Principals (III); Archangels (II).
• Row 09: Powers (IV); Virtues (V); Dominions (VI).
• Row 10: Cherubim (VIII); Thrones (VII); Seraphim (IX).
• Row 11: Christ, with angels worshipping him.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #14th century #Canon Guillame Theirry #Canon Theirry #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Saint Cyr (Quiricus) #Saint Julitte #Saint Lifart #Saint Mathurin de Laucchant #Saint Maur #Saint Radigonde #Saint Sulpice #TCS-photo #Win010 #cathedral #grisailles #restored #stained glass



original (4295078107)

Window 010 - Saint Apollinaris, Celestial Hierarchy, Grisaille (14th century) (unrestored).
Two rows of grisaille were inserted in 1328, replacing older glass. Its purpose was to honor the saints whose altar had been installed before it.

• Row 02: Saints Quiricus (Cyr) and his mother, St Julitte, St Maur, St Radigonde; Canon Guillaume Theirry kneeling before the Virgin and Child; St Sulpice, St Mathurin de Laurchant, St Lifart slaying the dragon.


• Row 03: Saint Apollinaris heals blind child (son of judge Thaurus?); Meets tribune of Ravenna; Heals tribune's wife.
• Row 04: Baptises tribune and his household; Goes into exile; heals woman possessed with evil spirit.
• Row 05: Apollinaris enters home of Rufus Patricius, Duke of Ravenna; Raises Rufus' daughter from the dead; Provost demands Apollinaris sacrifice to idols.
• Row 06: Angel visits the saint in prison; temple of Jupiter/Zeus collapses due to saints' prayer; Provost and others watch temple's destruction.
• Row 07: Outraged at the temple's loss, pagans beat Apollinaris to death; saint's funeral; Christians of Ravenna mourn his passing.

Celestial hierarchy (lowest to highest):

• Row 08: Angels (I); Principals (III); Archangels (II).
• Row 09: Powers (IV); Virtues (V); Dominions (VI).
• Row 10: Cherubim (VIII); Thrones (VII); Seraphim (IX).
• Row 11: Christ, with angels worshipping him.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #14th century #Canon Guillame Theirry #Canon Theirry #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Saint Cyr (Quiricus) #Saint Julitte #Saint Lifart #Saint Mathurin de Laucchant #Saint Maur #Saint Radigonde #Saint Sulpice #TCS-photo #Win010 #cathedral #grisailles #incomplete-windows #interior #restored #stained glass

IMG 5127

IMG 5127

Window 010 - Saint Apollinaris, Celestial Hierarchy, Grisaille (14th century) (restored).
Two rows of grisaille were inserted in 1328, replacing older glass. Its purpose was to honor the saints whose altar had been installed before it.

• Row 01: Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in left of row 2; Inscription recording Canon Theirry's donation; Grisaille quarrels and tituli identifying the saints in panel 06 right of row 2.
• Row 02: Saints Quiricus (Cyr) and his mother, St Julitte, St Maur, St Radigonde; Canon Guillaume Theirry kneeling before the Virgin and Child; St Sulpice, St Mathurin de Laurchant, St Lifart slaying the dragon.


• Row 03: Saint Apollinaris heals blind child (son of judge Thaurus?); Meets tribune of Ravenna; Heals tribune's wife.
• Row 04: Baptises tribune and his household; Goes into exile; heals woman possessed with evil spirit.
• Row 05: Apollinaris enters home of Rufus Patricius, Duke of Ravenna; Raises Rufus' daughter from the dead; Provost demands Apollinaris sacrifice to idols.
• Row 06: Angel visits the saint in prison; temple of Jupiter/Zeus collapses due to saints' prayer; Provost and others watch temple's destruction.

Album: Chartres-Cathedral

Categories: Chartres-Cathedral

Tags: #14th century #Canon Guillame Theirry #Canon Theirry #Chartres #france #Infant Jesus #Mary #Saint Apollinaris #Saint Cyr (Quiricus) #Saint Julitte #Saint Lifart #Saint Mathurin de Laucchant #Saint Maur #Saint Radigonde #Saint Sulpice #TCS-photo #Win010 #cathedral #grisailles #idols #martyrs #miracles #restored #stained glass